Privacy Policy for Bega Mower Centre
At Bega Mower Centre, we are dedicated to protecting your privacy on our website. Any information you provide us voluntarily is used solely to facilitate communication with you.
We adhere to the following privacy principles:
No Sharing of Information: We do not sell, rent, or lease your email addresses or any personal or business information to third parties.
External Links: Our website may include links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those external websites.
Opt-Out Options: If you prefer not to receive future communications, you can easily opt out; please see the choices/opt-out section below.
Security: We have implemented measures to protect your information from loss, misuse, and alteration.
Correct/Update: You have the option to change or update any information you have previously provided. To do this, simply email us with "Subscriber Update" in the subject line. For direct mail updates, please modify the letter and return it to the sender.
Choices / Opt-Out: We offer you the opportunity to stop receiving emails and direct mail. To unsubscribe, reply to any email from Bega Mower Centre with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line. For mail, please tick the opt-out option and return the letter to the sender. Any returned letters due to incorrect addresses will be automatically deleted.
Notification of Changes: This policy may be updated as we add new features to our website. We will prominently post any changes so you will always know what information we collect, how we use it, and whether it will be disclosed to anyone. Please check our site for updates to this privacy policy.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us.